3 Basic Facts You Should Know About Men’s Cardigans

Do you wish to enhance your style and add a level of class and trendy to your daily wear? A men’s cardigan can be a beautiful addition to any men’s winter wardrobe due to its versatility and variety. Whether you are going for a casual and chill vibe or looking to look formal and dapper, a cardigan can come in handy.

You can achieve various styles and looks from this piece of garment. You need to dial up your knowledge about men’s cardigans. What exactly is a cardigan? What are its different characteristics, styles, and fits? How should you style a cardigan?

If you’ve been asking yourself these questions lately, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the ultimate cardigan guide.

Characteristics of a Cardigan

Before you jump down to all the different intricacies that make a piece of garment a cardigan instead of a sweater, let’s understand what exactly a cardigan is. It is a knitted vest (usually warm) that buttons in the front. The buttons provide you with the versatility of styling it as a sweater and a jacket.

The best thing about a men’s cardigan is that it can be worn differently in different temperatures. This is more versatile than an ordinary sweater or jacket. Besides the details mentioned above, a cardigan comes in with several characteristics. The most prominent ones are as follows.

●       A well-knitted sweater

●       V-Neck

●       Buttons in the front

●       No sleeve buttons

●       Don’t have lapels

●       Don’t have a chest pocket

●       Usually comes with two side-pockets

●       Available in cable, textured, plain, and heavy knit variants. Heavy knit variants include cricket and tennis-style cardigans.

The fit of a Cardigan

Like any other piece of clothing, the fit determines the most important part of styling a cardigan. Typically, the garment should snuggle into your shoulders while gradually tapering down through the chest and abdomen and slightly widening down on the waist.

A cardigan comes in various lengths and sizes. However, you must ensure that you buy that covers your belt. Otherwise, it’ll just look like you’ve borrowed the garment from your younger brother or a shorter friend.

Here is a more pro tip regarding the fit of this fantastic piece of clothing. Ensure to get the cardigan with the ideal armhole size. Tight armholes will take comfort from the clothing, and large armholes will make you feel baggy and short.

How to Style a Cardigan

If you put just the proper thought into your outfit, you can style a cardigan for any occasion. Be it formal or casual; you can use this piece of clothing to create some eye-catching looks.

Here are some options that might convince you to add multiple cardigans to your wardrobe.

Casual Setting

You can easily find a cardigan that blends seamlessly into your everyday style and elevate it up by a notch. If you want something with more styling options, go for a plain black well-knitted piece. You can pair it with a plain t-shirt, jeans, and classy sneakers.

Formal Setting

Cardigans make brilliant suit companions. You can replace the vest or waistcoat with this versatile piece of garment. If you have places to be this winter season and want to look at your sharpest best in those places, then a cardigan can come in handy.

Men are always looking for clothing pieces that provide various styling options. Why do you think a white shirt is something that every guy owns? Because it provides them with multiple styling options and makes them look sharp. The same can be said about a cardigan.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your favourite cardigan today.