Metaverse University – 5 Most Needed Professions in Metaverse

Do you know what is meant by metaverse? As in life in the world, in the metaverse later it will also require several professions like in the real world. Before that, let’s know what metaverse means first.

Metaverse is a concept for the future for the development of the world of technology. Metaverse was widely discussed after Mark Zuckerberg officially changed his parent company, Facebook, to Meta Platforms Inc. (Meta).

Broadly speaking, the meaning of the Metaverse is something that is beyond all things that exist in the world today. This comes from the word “Meta” which means “beyond” and the word “Verse” which means “Universe” so Metaverse was created by Mark Zuckerberg to create things beyond reason like living in a fantasy world & being able to have fun virtually without having to meet in person. direct.

Can be opened later in the Metaverse, humans will live activities and socialize with each other virtually. Metaverse will also use virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality technologies.

So, with this virtual life, what kind of profession is suitable in the metaverse? Check out the following explanation quoted from the Scooters Instagram account:

1. Metaverse Cyber Security

In this profession, you will set a strategy to block attacks in real-time. It will also establish laws and protocols that are safe for cyberspace. The law can later be considered, amended, and reinvented.
Metaverse is a virtual world that is prone to cyber-attacks and fraud, cyber security is very necessary.

Recommended majors and Metaverse University:

– Cyber security with campuses EPFL, National University of Singapore (NUS), Shanghai Jiao Tong

– Information Technology law with Monash University, Utrecht University, and University of Technology Sydney campuses.

2. Construction Engineers

The world of metaverse also needs someone to design and build buildings. Construction engineers are tasked with compiling the pattern of the metaverse world from design, form, manufacturing process, to completion.

Recommended majors and Metaverse University:

– Graphic design/visual communication design with campuses: Royal College of Arts (RCA), Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

– 3D Design/ Animation with campuses Emily Carr University of Arts + Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), and Yoyogi Animation Academy (YOANI)

Read also:
Get to know the Metaverse, the Concept of the Digital Future of a Sophisticated Future

3. Metaverse Planner

The Metaverse Education planner is in charge of formulating strategies and all of their functions which are then implemented in the virtual world.

This profession has a responsibility to put things to work in the digital world.

Recommended majors and Metaverse University:

– Software engineering with campuses of Carnegie Mellon University, Tsinghua University, and The University of Edinburgh.

– Digital Business/ Digital Marketing/ Digital Entrepreneurship/ E-business with campuses of Bocconi University, Singapore Management University, and Korea University.

4. Metaverse Storyteller

A storyteller is in charge of planning scenarios for users to explore the metaverse, training scenarios, marketing opportunities in narrative form for companies, and more.

Recommended majors and Metaverse University:

– Literature/ English Language with campuses NUS, New York University, Macquarie University.

5. Fashion Designers Virtual Reality

In the world of the metaverse, people will be replaced by avatars, the job of a Fashion Designer is to develop unique clothes and accessories for each avatar.

Recommended majors and Metaverse University:

– Virtual Reality with Lund University, Swansea University and University Paris Saclay. campuses

– Fashion design with campuses Princeton University, University of Toronto (UofT), and The University of Sydney.